Training Programs
The Business Writing Blitz: Grammar, Punctuation, and Common Errors (Adjustable from 1-3 hours)
In this fast-paced and interactive review of the most common grammar, punctuation, and usage errors, Shannon covers everything from the difference between affect and effect to where to put your commas to what exactly is passive voice (and how to avoid it). The course centers on high-value components crucial to writing powerful, error-free content for business. This course is adjustable in length and focus to correspond to your team’s particular needs.
Digital Communication (1 hour)
This course is typically paired with The Business Writing Blitz and focuses on effectively and efficiently using email and other forms of electronic business communication. For most employees, email represents the bulk of the business writing they create each day. Shannon reviews the rules, expectations, and current “netiquette” so employees can be sure they send clear, appropriate, and compelling emails.
It's About Time: How to Prioritize Your Workload and Organize Your Day for Success (Adjustable from 1-2 hours)
Our worlds keep moving faster, and there never seems to be quite enough time to get everything done. This session dispels myths about how to best get work done and gives concrete directions on managing our overloaded lives. We will focus on how to prioritize your workload, organize your day for success, and remain adaptable in the face of changing demands.
Legal Writing Skills for Attorneys & Administrators (Adjustable from 1-3 hours)
Legal writing has its own specific rules for grammar, composition, and style, and this course is specially designed for those in the legal field who need to draft error-free legal documents that follow those rules.
Making Your Habits Work for You
Close to 50% of what we do daily is a habit. Are your habits propelling you toward your goals or standing in your way? This course will teach what habits really are, how they form, and how to create new ones that help you achieve. This highly interactive workshop asks participants to focus on their goals to accomplish objectives in their professional and personal lives.
Storytelling for Business (Adjustable from 1-3 hours)
This course includes a review of the elements of excellent writing and then extends into the art of storytelling. What makes a compelling story? What topics are most effective for promoting your brand, attracting new clients, communicating important information, obtaining funding, or generating interest for a new project? Using examples and workshop time, participants unpack the components of compelling and persuasive stories for business. The session includes workshop time for participants to apply these skills.
Taming Distraction and Mastering Flow
Do you often feel frantic at work? Do you feel bombarded with information, requests, and deadlines? Why do most of us feel further behind at the end of the workday? In this course, Shannon explores the components of our connected lives that can lead to loss of focus, reduced productivity, and feelings of disconnection and burnout. She provides practical strategies and habits for managing your day, week, and year to accomplish day-to-day tasks and long-term goals. Participants will learn to prioritize tasks, eliminate distractions, and take advantage of every moment. Discover proven techniques to regain control of your schedule and produce higher-quality content in less time.
Writing that Works: How to Elevate Your Style, Clarify Your Content, and Enhance Your Message (Adjustable from 2-4 hours)
This session illustrates and explains the elements of captivating writing, including organization, clarity, and tone. Using examples of excellent writing, Shannon helps participants explore how to transform unclear or uninspiring writing into powerful prose. The session includes workshop time for participants to apply these skills.
Book Shannon
Shannon typically offers her onsite courses throughout the Denver Metro, Castle Rock, Colorado Springs, and Northern Colorado regions, and even nationwide. She also delivers courses virtually. Reach out through our online form to find out how we can assist you with your group’s training needs.
Success Stories
The Word Nerd Newsletter
Tips on communication, connection, and capacity, and public workshop announcements